Jeffrey S Block
Dr. Block brings a twenty-five year history of medical and surgical clinical practice experience as a Board certified anesthesiologist in full-service practice. His educational background includes a degree major in Chemistry and minor in Psychology from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and subsequent graduate study of International Healthcare Delivery Systems based in London, England. He then received his medical doctorate from the University of Miami where under the guidance of his Dean, renowned anesthesiologist Emanuel Papper. MD, PhD, he continued his specialty training in anesthesiology including fellowship training in pain management and outpatient anesthesia.
Dr. Block’s clinical expertise in applied human physiology developed in the 1980’s along with receptor-specific drug manufacturing that followed evolving advances in biopharmaceutical technology. As improvements with computer-assisted monitoring techniques advanced, Dr. Block’s practice utilized applied human pharmacology and physiology to set new standards in his field. Six Sigma methods directed the future successes of his specialty, and paralleled the development of efficient anesthesia outpatient services by demonstrating significantly improved patient safety outcomes and satisfaction. He has also provided leadership in medical ethics discussions concerning the moral responsibilities consistent with medical oaths. These advances and his successes in private practice where he personally cared for over 70,000 patients and was selected to “America’s Top Anesthesiologists” have distinguished Dr. Block’s clinical career. More recently, Dr. Block’s interests have evolved to include his continued study of International healthcare delivery systems, public health, and the emerging science of translational medicine. Dr. Block currently serves as President of the University of Miami’s Medical School Alumni Association, and additionally is Voluntary Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine where translational science is consistently incorporated into the curriculum educating future medical doctors.
Dr. Block’s skills also include the natural earth sciences, where he is an internationally renowned and highly awarded horticulturist and Master Gardener educator, certified by the Florida State Department of Agriculture. He owns and directs Block Botanical Gardens, an Institutional Member of the American Public Gardens Association and consults on horticultural science issues as President/CEO of Nurturing Nature™. Dr. Block specializes in subtropical ornamental plant propagation, lecturing on the historical significance of therapeutic plant use by indigenous healers, extending to the science of botanical medicine sustained by astute modern physicians.