Nicole Graves

Worked with An Air Force dentist who suggested I pursue nursing where i enrolled at Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas where I obtained an Associate’s of Applied Sciences Degree in Nursing. I initially worked in Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Labor and Delivery, but switched to Emergency Medicine after floating to the Emergency Department (ED) during a staffing shortage. I loved it, so they hired me!
Heading PNA a network of over 5,000 nursing professionals. I initially started it as a closed group on Facebook for nurses to network, find support, and collaborate on solving problems in healthcare. We are GLOBAL, having not only US nurses, but also Botswana, India, Indonesia, Uganda, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway. By discussing what works and does not in other countries, we hope to effect positive changes here based on proven practices elsewhere! This is one way we would like to help resolve the health care disparities that exist among different groups of people. We also hope to provide funding for nurses to complete their training and get out in the workforce!