Debbie Lyn Toomey

Debbie Lyn Toomey RN, a “Health & Happiness Specialist™” and founder of Ultimate Healing Journey knows about the challenges that women of today face. She has lived it and witnessed it in others.
As a nurse for over 25 years, Debbie has taken care of hundreds of smart and successful women with stress-related ailments whose conditions eventually worsened due to lack of time dedicated to self-care and living true to their own desires. Debbie established Ultimate Healing Journey, as the vehicle to deliver her overarching message of living the best life by taking the time to tune into and follow the wisdom of your heart; leading you to the ultimate form of success. Through Ultimate Healing Journey, she shares her personal success stories along with solid scientific data to deliver powerful information that will transform the woman of today into the wonder woman that she truly is. Debbie is committed to helping busy women by teaching them practical knowledge and skills sets that will best guide them to the road of a balanced, healthy, and harmonious life.
Debbie is an avid health and healing seeker. She is always looking for practical and natural ways to feel better. She has dedicated most of her life to the pursuit of learning unique, simple, and powerful ways to maintaining and sustaining greater health and feeling of well-being. Below are just some of her credentials… any more than that would just be downright embarrassing to list. Know that when you work with Debbie, you will get the benefit of her professional health care background and considerable mind-body-spirit trainings and certifications.
Professional credentials:
* Graduate of UMass-Boston School of Nursing, Bachelors of Science Degree
* Registered Professional Nurse of over 25 years at Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA.
* Certified in Positive Psychology, through Wholebeing Institute, trained by author and co-founder of Wholebeing Institute, Chief Learning Officer Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD.
* Positive Psychology Coach trained and certified by Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener, founder of Positive Acorn
* Laughter Yoga™ Leader trained and certified by Bill and Linda Hamaker
* Healthy-Steps™ Teacher trained and certified by Sherry Lebed Davis (co-founder)
* Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster™ trained and certified by author and creator Peggy Huddleston
* Wellness Coach training trained and certified by Appalachian Consulting Group
* Peer Support Whole Health & Resiliency trained and certified by Appalachian Consulting Group
* Acupressure Shiatsu, Diplomat of Asian Bodywork Therapy trained by Barbara Blanchard of Acupressure Therapy Institute.
* Homeopathy graduate of Teleosis School of Homeopathy
* Six Sensory™ Teacher and Leader trained and certified by author, speaker, and intuitive Sonia Choquette
* Advanced Angel Practitioner trained and certified by Karen Paolino-Correia
* Akaschic Records Practitioner trained and certified by Christina Cross
* Usui Reike Master trained by Usui Reike Masters in the lineage of Dr. Mikao Usui
* Master Energy Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique, Clearing You Birth Energy, Chakra Balancing) trained by Master Energy Therapist and author Carol Tuttle