Look Out Harmony Is Coming!

Episode #104
Jan 30, 19
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Does it feel as if there is little in sync around you? Or that there is one major part of your life that doesn’t seem to line up with everything else? You want this to change, You’ve tried everything that you can think of to start something new, or to find a new path. The next thing you know it appears even worse. You get sick, you break your leg, or you get fired and you start to believe that there is no solution to your lack of harmony. All of these events are giving you the opportunity to find a new way to respond! The more you want and need to change, the more absolute the occurrences will be until you do change. The harmony you desire is coming. You have asked for it, and it is going to fight until you get it!

Hosts: Anatara Buckley Airing every other Wednesday @ 12:30pm PT (3:30pm ET).

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Anatara Buckley

Anatara has been offering intuitive readings, “Angel Listenings”, and spiritual counsel for over 25 years to clients throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe. Aware of angelic beings communicating with her since her childhood years in Boston, Read full bio »

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