Why Pain?

Episode #98
Oct 25, 17
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We have talked of suffering, of pain, and how to ease and live with it. Now we go one step further. Why do we have pain? (Emotional, physical, planetary) How do we come so close to pain, sometimes for long periods of time? Why do we choose it? Yes WE choose it, or create and seek situations in which it will happen … Where are you holding on to pain? What areas of your being keep seeking it out?

Hosts: Anatara Buckley Airing every other Wednesday @ 12:30pm PT (3:30pm ET).

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Anatara Buckley

Anatara has been offering intuitive readings, “Angel Listenings”, and spiritual counsel for over 25 years to clients throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe. Aware of angelic beings communicating with her since her childhood years in Boston, Read full bio »

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